Shaza Makkah Careers, Shaza Makkah Jobs, Shaza Makkah Vacancies
Shaza Makkah Career Opportunities
Shaza Makkah has a total of 251 lovely guestrooms and apartments. Free WiFi, a flat-screen television, an in-room safe, a rain shower, signature toiletries, a hairdryer, 24-hour room service, a tea and coffee set, and laundry service are all included in all rooms. Shaza Silk Floors are hallmark rooms and suites for guests looking for a more refined and unique experience. Shaza Silk also has Makkah’s first non-smoking floor.
Shaza Hotels is a growing company. We were born of the Eastern culture. Our outlook is respectful and contemporary to the civilization touched by the silk route and we wish for new candidates to be a part of our journey.